Earlier in the year on this website, Club member Soumya Parthasararthy wrote about her four-year journey at Gilbert Toastmasters. She discussed how much she learned and grew from the time she first joined. We are excited to share where her journey has taken her. Just last week, Soumya was the keynote speaker, co-facilitator, and sustainability expert for a full-day workshop sponsored by the Phoenix Chapter of the IIBA (International Institute of Business Analysis). She began with a lively opening to get people on their feet and then presented information and helped guide the more than 30 participants towards looking for a solution to better recycle food waste. The lessons learned from Toastmasters enabled her to speak with nary an “um”, with poise, and with a high degree of connection to the audience. Soumya is an inspiration and a great example of someone who has overcome obstacles to shine.
Club Member Spreads Her Wings
by hschroeder | Sep 30, 2019 | Inside Gilbert Toastmasters: Structure and Roles, Member Spotlights and Success Stories | 0 comments