We had a fun time at the Club Tall Tales Contest! Vaughn’s speech was about an icy fishing expedition that went bad. Rosemarie Roesler told a spine-tingling tale of a boy with a coyote face. Megan Stuff told us how she got in trouble for causing problems for The Pope. Matt Patterson gave an unwise ride to a raccoon. Manu Rao told us about how he traveled in time. Kate relayed a story about a most unusual horseride. And Harvey Schroeder showed us The Sloth Dance and told how it came to be.

Vaughn Wilhelm

came in Third Place. Matt came in Second Place. And Harvey captured First Place.

Congratulations to all who participated! Thanks to Vincent Feutrier, Contest Chair, for running a smooth contest. Thanks to all the judges and other functionaries who helped make it possible.  Thanks to Rob Fleischner for the photos.

Don’t forget:

  • November 28: no meeting because of Thanksgiving.
  • December 5 is our holiday party.  We are doing a potluck at the school Cafe.  Sign up with Tina Daha as to what food you will bring.