by hschroeder | May 15, 2020 | Meeting Recaps and Highlights
At our May 7, 2020 meeting, the Club voted in the current slate of officers which will serve from July through December 2020. The officers are: Continuing: Marie Feutrier, VP Education Harvey Schroeder, VP Public Relations Anna Rowe, VP Mentorship Megan Stuff, VP...
by hschroeder | Feb 29, 2020 | Toastmasters News and Events
We had a great Club contest night on February 27. Mac Griffith won the Tall Tales contest with his exciting story highlighting his “bad boy” side. In the International Speech Contest, Renee Pierce captured First with her exhilarating delivery of life...
by rmdave | Feb 8, 2020 | Inside Gilbert Toastmasters: Structure and Roles, Leadership Development
Thank you all for working hard for the success of this club. PhotoRoleName PresidentBlair Revak VP of MentorshipJulie Przybyla VP Public RelationsHarvey Schroeder SecretaryAdam Daha VP EducationMarie Feutrier Treasurer David Kim VP of MembershipDJ Reed Sgt. Arms Renee...
by hschroeder | Feb 6, 2020 | Toastmasters News and Events
We are having an exceptionally exciting meeting on February 27! We will be holding both the Tall Tales and International Speech contests! What are these? The Tall Tales speech is from 3-5 minutes in length. It contains elements of a highly improbable or exaggerated...
by hschroeder | Feb 3, 2020 | Inside Gilbert Toastmasters: Structure and Roles
At our last meeting on January 30, 2020, the Club voted in the current slate of officers which will serve through June 2020. The officers are: Continuing: Blair Revak, President Marie Feutrier, VP Education Harvey Schroeder, VP Public Relations Adam Daha, Secretary...
by hschroeder | Jan 24, 2020 | Leadership Development, Toastmasters News and Events
Reminder: This Saturday, Toastmasters Leadership Institute is here: Phoenix • February 1st • 9:00 am—1:00 pm • Washington High School, 2217 W Glendale Ave Phoenix. Contact Blair for last minute registration and tickets.
by hschroeder | Jan 14, 2020 | Public Speaking Tips and Techniques
This is a special meeting to be held at our usual location on Friday, January 31, 2020 from 7-8pm. Tony Valles will be giving a 45-minute presentation on the key points of a great speech. Tony is an award-winning speaker, and will be sharing material from the World...
by hschroeder | Dec 18, 2019 | Leadership Development, Toastmasters News and Events
For all Club Officers and interested members: You can now select from TLI events planned for early 2020 here. Remember to first contact President Blair Revak to register as the Club will pay for your attendance. Also, if you would like to volunteer, please contact DJ...
by hschroeder | Dec 18, 2019 | Member Spotlights and Success Stories
Congratulations to the people who excelled for all of 2019! Julie Caliendo won the most times for Best Table Topics responses. Adam Daha has a great habit and won for Best Attendance. Renee Pierce excelled at both Best Evaluator and Vicki Treciak Spirit Award. And...
by hschroeder | Nov 17, 2019 | Toastmasters News and Events
We had a fun time at the Club Tall Tales Contest! Vaughn’s speech was about an icy fishing expedition that went bad. Rosemarie Roesler told a spine-tingling tale of a boy with a coyote face. Megan Stuff told us how she got in trouble for causing problems for The...