by rmdave | Oct 22, 2019 | Inside Gilbert Toastmasters: Structure and Roles
Woohoo! Here we go. We are going to have a fun contest and, in true Gilbert ToastMasters style, a lot of folks are stepping up to help. Volunteers share their thoughts Yes, we have the full slate of volunteers. Check out videos: Adam –...
by hschroeder | Oct 6, 2019 | Toastmasters News and Events
Fun and exciting events coming up at our Club: October 31: Halloween Theme with Halloween Table Topics. Plus all are invited to come in costume and we can vote for the Best Costume. November 14: Club Tall Tales Speech contest. Start preparing now for a speech full of...
by hschroeder | Sep 30, 2019 | Inside Gilbert Toastmasters: Structure and Roles, Member Spotlights and Success Stories
Earlier in the year on this website, Club member Soumya Parthasararthy wrote about her four-year journey at Gilbert Toastmasters. She discussed how much she learned and grew from the time she first joined. We are excited to share where her journey has taken her. Just...
by hschroeder | Sep 9, 2019 | Inside Gilbert Toastmasters: Structure and Roles
Want to see a short video of the August 15 installation of Club Officers? Thanks to our Area Director Jennifer Sebastian who did the installation, you can see it here.
by robf | Aug 31, 2019 | Inside Gilbert Toastmasters: Structure and Roles, Meeting Recaps and Highlights
Gilbert Toastmasters goes beyond helping its members achieve their goals. Since 2015, Gilbert Toastmasters has been supporting a youth gavel club. Gavel clubs allow students to experience Toastmasters before reaching age 18 (the minimum age to become a member of...
by hschroeder | Aug 19, 2019 | Inside Gilbert Toastmasters: Structure and Roles
At our August 15th meeting, Area Director Jennifer Sebastian thanked all the outgoing officers of the Club for their service, and then installed the incoming officers for the next six-month period. Blair Revak is the incoming President. For the full list of officers,...
by hschroeder | Jul 30, 2019 | Inside Gilbert Toastmasters: Structure and Roles
Mark your calendar: For the August 8 meeting only, we will be meeting here: Superstition Springs Golf 6542 E Baseline Rd Mesa, AZ 85206 Follow the signs. We will meet in the building on the 3rd floor. An elevator is available if you need it. Also, we are having...
by hschroeder | Jul 5, 2019 | Leadership Development
The summer Toastmasters Leadership Institute was held on June 29 in Tempe. There were keynote speakers where we met our District leaders, who were full of energy and motivational ideas! Other breakout sessions encouraged teamwork and even inspired spontaneous dancing!...
by rmdave | Jun 10, 2019 | Public Speaking Tips and Techniques
Matt Abrahams is a lecturer at the Stanford Graduate School of Business, teaching strategic communication; he also teaches public speaking in Stanford’s Continuing Studies Program. This 2015 YouTube video was an awesome exercise for the audience and a great overview...
by hschroeder | Jun 2, 2019 | Leadership Development, Toastmasters News and Events
The summer Toastmaster Leadership Institute events are open for registration now. The dates, times, and locations are at You know it’s got to be good because our very own DJ Reed is organizing it! All incoming Club officers are...