by rmdave | Mar 9, 2019 | Member Spotlights and Success Stories
Congratulate the winner of our international speech contest at the Saguaro Area #4 contest! Way to go Matt!!
by hschroeder | Feb 12, 2019 | Toastmasters News and Events
The Speech Evaluation Contest and International Speech Contest will both be held at our usual time on February 28th. Are you a great evaluator or want to hone your skills? Do you have a powerful message to share? Then feel free to enter one of the contests! Not...
by rmdave | Feb 2, 2019 | Leadership Development
Here are the new officers: PhotoRoleName President Email President Mandar Joshi VP Education Email VP Education Marie Feutrier VP of Membership Email VP Membership Rob Fleischner Treasurer Email Treasurer Greg Jimenez VP Public Relations Email VP PRJoy Olbertz...
by rmdave | Jan 20, 2019 | Leadership Development
A group of us had a chance to go to ToastMasters Leadership Institute on 1/19/2019 and had a blast. Did you know you can go as a member and the club would pay the fees? Join us next year!
by rmdave | Jan 16, 2019 | Inside Gilbert Toastmasters: Structure and Roles
PhotoRoleName President Email President Mandar Joshi VP Education Email VP Education Marie Feutrier VP of Membership Email VP Membership Rob Fleischner Treasurer Email Treasurer Greg Jimenez VP Public Relations Email VP PRJoy Olbertz Secretary Email SecretaryKelly...
by rmdave | Jan 16, 2019 | Inside Gilbert Toastmasters: Structure and Roles
The event was blast for all of us! And, it was awesome to see more than ten past presidents support us! Oh, we had some awesome food as well!
by rmdave | Jan 16, 2019 | Uncategorized
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by robf | Dec 29, 2018 | Inside Gilbert Toastmasters: Structure and Roles
Providing feedback to speakers at Toastmasters is an honor. It is also a gift to both you and the speaker. Thinking otherwise is counter productive and will lead you to half-heartedly presenting your feedback. A common misconception is that you have nothing of value...
by robf | Dec 29, 2018 | Public Speaking Tips and Techniques
When you are scheduled to speak, there are several things you can do to help the Toastmaster, VP of Education, and yourself. Plus, the sooner you can provide this information, the better it supports the quality of the meeting and your presentation. Before Wednesday...
by robf | Dec 29, 2018 | Public Speaking Tips and Techniques
As Table Topics Master this week, here is some guidance to help you be successful while facilitating member improvement in impromptu speaking. — Prepare 10 – 12 open-ended questions for members and/or guests who there with no assigned roles. Prepare...