by robf | Dec 29, 2018 | Inside Gilbert Toastmasters: Structure and Roles
As General Evaluator (GE) this week, the following guidance is being offered: – Pre-Meeting Effort: The GE begins their efforts long before the meeting by contacting the evaluators, timer, word master, ah counter, timer, grammarian, word of wisdom, and...
by robf | Dec 29, 2018 | Public Speaking Tips and Techniques
You are Toastmaster this week, so you are in charge of the first two thirds of the meeting. To be most effective, at Gilbert Toastmasters, the Toastmaster is responsible for several before, and during meeting activities. Before Meeting Contact the speakers and Table...
by rmdave | Dec 12, 2018 | Toastmasters News and Events
Yes, it is time to celebrate the holidays and Christmas. Please note that this is a pot luck you should have committed to the team on what you are bringing. No worries, if you did not get a chance to do so. Just bring cash to participate in the auction and raise...
by rmdave | Nov 5, 2018 | Inside Gilbert Toastmasters: Structure and Roles
At Gilbert Toastmasters Club #499, we welcome guests to attend for free as often as you like. Join us for a fun evening: We are currently meeting at Greenfield Jr High School, 101 S Greenfield Rd, Gilbert, AZ 85296 The meeting is from 7-8:30pm (sharp). Please show up...
by rmdave | Aug 8, 2018 | Inside Gilbert Toastmasters: Structure and Roles
The typical meeting location has been changed for Aug 9th, 2018 due to a parent meeting. On Aug 9th, 2018, we will meet at Greenfield Elementary School library around the corner at 2550 E Elliot Rd, Gilbert, AZ 85234. Meeting starts promptly at 7:00pm, please arrive...
by rmdave | May 27, 2018 | Leadership Development
PhotoRoleName President Email President Mandar Joshi VP Education Email VP Education Marie Feutrier VP of Membership Email VP Membership Rob Fleischner Treasurer Email Treasurer Greg Jimenez VP Public Relations Email VP PRJoy Olbertz Secretary Email SecretaryKelly...
by rmdave | May 27, 2018 | Inside Gilbert Toastmasters: Structure and Roles
This might explain the jargon. Club #499 – where we meet and how does ToastMasters International recognize us.
by rmdave | May 27, 2018 | Public Speaking Tips and Techniques
In advance of the meeting develop twelve to fourteen (12 – 14) questions based on the theme of the evening which you will ask during your segment of the meeting. Have fun choosing your questions but keep the question short and focused. Ask the Toastmaster and the...
by Dave Zegen | May 17, 2018 | Meeting Recaps and Highlights
Did you know there is a connection between #RedForEd and Gilbert Toastmaster’s meeting? When AZ public schools were closed for a week during end of April and early May, it had an impact on our meeting place. However, this did not stop us from meeting –...
by rmdave | Apr 21, 2018 | Inside Gilbert Toastmasters: Structure and Roles, Meeting Recaps and Highlights, Toastmasters News and Events
Welcome, welcome. Gilbert ToastMasters is 40 this month! Come and join us to celebrate together..